What To Expect
By doing some simple preparation before your appointment such as, filling out the New Patient Form , obtaining recent spinal x-rays or MRIs, and bringing along any special injury, claim information, or insurance card, your appointment can run smoother and be a better use of yours and our time.
Read more below on what you can do and expect before, during, and after your appointment.

Print and fill out the new patient form here(link). If you can’t get to it, we will have a form for you at the clinic, but make sure to arrive 15 minutes early. Completing it beforehand allows more time to discuss and assess your present condition at the appointment.
What To Wear
Wear what feels good to you, and allows your body to move easily. No special clothing is required, although some people find they are more comfortable in loose fitting garments or workout attire.
What To Expect
First visits are approximately 45 minutes in length and consist of a consultation, examination, and if appropriate, treatment the same day. Almost all of our patients are treated Day 1.
The Consultation
This is when you and Dr. Luke discuss your health-related problems or concerns. He gathers information about you and your condition which helps determine if chiropractic care is right for you.
The Exam
Following the consultation, Dr. Luke will perform a complete chiropractic examination which may include posture, range of motion, functional movements, or palpation of the spine or injured area as well as possible neurologic and orthopedic tests. Testing the movement and function of the concerned area are some of the best ways to understand the symptoms, as well as what’s causing them.
Radiographs are only taken as deemed medically necessary by our physician and are completed with our digital system in the office. Most cases do not require advanced imaging.
Treatment & Plan
If chiropractic care is appropriate for your condition, treatment can begin on your first visit. Treatments are specific to each patient and can include either adjustments, therapies, exercises or all of the above. Most patients receive some type of chiropractic adjustment, but not all. We take into account the current situation, the doctor’s recommendation, and the patient’s preference when determining the treatment.
Each patient case varies and after your first visit the doctor will have a better gauge of how your body responds to the treatment, and the timeframe needed to restore your body to its functional baseline. For most this means a reduction in pain, and a better ability to move effectively.
Follow-up appointments do not take as long as the initial evaluation. The problem has already been identified and an action plan created, so typical follow-up visits last 15 minutes or less.

What should I do after my treatment and the days following?
How to approach your days until your follow up will be discussed during your visit. Make sure to ask about any certain events or training plans. Otherwise, it’s always best to take it easy in the early stages of care, and ice sore areas after adjustments.
Feeling Sore or Slight Discomfort
You may feel sore or slight discomfort after your visit, but don’t worry, soreness for a couple days after treatment is completely normal. Just like soreness is normal after a new workout or activity. As your body heals, gets used to its new movement and you get treated more consistently, you’ll typically feel less soreness following your treatment. If you have concerns, always feel free to call the clinic to speak with the doctor.
Keeping the Changes
A good adjustment is like a good workout – you need to keep recovery in mind. Be sure to slowly test some of your daily activities before jumping right back into your usual routine. Work through the movements or stretches discussed during your visit. Also, try your best to get a good night’s sleep each night to reap the most benefits and allow your body to heal.

Spread the Love
If you like how your body is feeling, don’t keep it a secret. The BEST way to support us is to spread the love to your family and friends and let them know about your experience. Our mission is to impact more people and build a great community, and we need your help to do that! We also always love getting a thank you, a review, and a social media follow. Be sure to tag us in your post so we can give you a proper thank you, and reach more of our community!

"Have you more faith in a spoonful of medicine than in the power that animates the living world?"
- BJ Palmer